
Trusted Journalism with a focus on Asia

Coming soon to Direct: video and audio content for television, radio and digital affiliates in 10 languages.


Radio Free Asia journalists provide balanced, objective and compelling multimedia content for audiences in China (Mandarin, Cantonese, Tibetan, and Uyghur), Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and North Korea. Working in some of the world’s harshest media environments, RFA utilizes on-the-ground reporters, stringers, vast networks of cultivated in-country sources, citizen journalists, and eye witnesses to provide leads, tips, images, and video—often at great personal risk—to report on news otherwise ignored‌

RFA Network video or image

Flexible and convenient, Direct makes our journalism available to 3500 affiliates worldwide at no cost.

Use Direct to access RFA daily reports, digital products, programs, and documentaries.


Each day reporters from Radio Free Asia deliver original reporting from Asia and provide insight and context that can be incorporated in to affiliate broadcasts and digital properties..

Radio Free Asia coming soon to Direct. Sign up for updates when content is available >

Digital Products

We offer trusted daily content for social media and web properties as well as documentaries and television programs that provide libraries for OTT developers.

Learn more about creating MRSS feeds, Accelerated File Delivery, our API and Automated Workflows to deliver content directly to your content management system.

Programs and Documentaries

Radio Free Asia develops dynamic, commercially competitive programming for television and radio audiences in formats that range from short 5-minute daily newscasts to investigative series and award winning documentaries.