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Transcript/ScriptUS – RUSSIA – CHINA NATO
HEADLINE: White House Dismissive of Putin – Xi Meeting
TEASER: Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled a strategic alliance Friday
PUBLISHED: 2/4/2022 at 645p
BYLINE: Patsy Widakuswara
DATELINE: Washington
SCRIPT EDITORS: Bowman, AP, djones approved
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _x_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:20
EDITOR NOTES: Radio track included // BALANCE READ NEEDED))
The White House dismissed a Friday meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin where the two leaders unveiled a strategic alliance aimed at countering the United States. White House Bureau Chief Patsy Widakuswara has this report.]]
((Olympics fireworks, AFP V000_9Y43YA))
The Beijing Winter Olympics started with a geopolitical bang. Just hours before the Games’ opening on Friday,
((Putin Xi meeting AP cctv049765))
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin met to unveil a strategic alliance — shown in this video from CCTV.
((AFP V000_9Y449K, TC 0:14))
((Xi Jinping, Chinese President)) “China and Russia are adhering to their original aspirations and have always maintained steady progress in bilateral relations.”
((AFP V000_9Y449K, TC 0:44))
((Vladimir Putin, Russian President))
“Regarding the relations between our two countries, they are developing really gradually, in the spirit of friendship and strategic partnership.”
((Various Putin and Xi at meeting, AP 4364479))
The move is designed to balance what they portrayed as malign American global influence.
((Psaki walks in, MRT clip))
White House press secretary Jen Psaki downplayed the meeting.
((MRT clip))
((Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary))
“What we have control over is our own relationships and the protection of our own values and also looking for ways to work with countries even where we disagree."
((NATO leaders family photo, AFP V000_9C486U, Russian military activity at border with Ukraine, AFP V000_9Y48WN)) ((Mandatory COURTESY: RUSSIAN DEFENSE MINISTRY))
China joined Russia’s call to halt NATO’s expansion — Moscow's point of contention with the West that Russia claims has caused it to amass troops on its border with Ukraine.
((Taiwan street scenes, AFP V000_VID840323_EN))
Meanwhile, Moscow voiced its support for Beijing's stance that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.
((Various Putin and Xi at meeting, AP 4364479))
Analysts say the Putin-Xi alliance is designed to counter Washington’s narrative that
((Russian military exercise near Ukraine, AFP V000_9Y48WN)) ((MANDATORY COURTESY: RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY))
Moscow and Beijing are acting aggressively on Ukraine and Taiwan, by claiming that it is the United States that is interfering in their spheres of influence.
((Radio track: Stacie Goddard teaches great power rivalries at Wellesley College.))
((https://app.frame.io/player/76cca5fa-58bc-4598-b2c5-9b08e8499fa5 , TC 0:46))
((Stacie Goddard, Wellesley College)) ((Skype))
“They're portraying themselves in many ways as standing up to a revisionist and aggressive United States. So, it's actually fairly remarkable. There have been moments in the past where China, in particular, is reluctant to look like it's acting directly in concert with Russia. This is really a step towards making it clear, they are acting together.”
((Various Putin and Xi at meeting, AP 4364479))
Moscow and Beijing also voiced opposition to the
((Biden flanked virtually by Johnson and Morrison, AFP V000_9MX3YT))
AUKUS alliance between Australia, Britain and the United States, saying it increased the danger of an arms race in the region.
((Russian army joint military drills with Belarus, AFP V000_9Y42NV)) ((Mandatory COURTESY: RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY))
Upsound weapons launched
Meanwhile Russia has conducted military exercises with Belarus, as part of what analysts say is an effort to intimidate Ukraine by surrounding the country, heightening further fears of invasion.
((US soldiers deploying, AP 4364359, AP 4364412))
To show support to NATO allies, Biden is sending 2,000 U.S.-based troops to Poland and Germany and shifting 1,000 soldiers from Germany to Romania.
Patsy Widakuswara, VOA News, Washington.
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Embargo DateFebruary 6, 2022 14:10 EST
BylinePatsy Widakuswara
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English