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Transcript/ScriptUkraine – War Threat (TV)
HEADLINE: Ukrainians on Conflict’s Doorstep Prepare for War – Again.
TEASER: Residents, including veterans of the 2014/15 war, prepare bomb shelters - and get ready for renewed trauma.
PUBLISHED AT: 02/0/32022 at: 10:30am
BYLINE: Ricardo Marquina
DATELINE: Dnipro, Ukraine
VIDEOGRAPHER: Ricardo Marquina, Pablo Gonzalez
TRT: 2:00
UPDATE: English narration by Elizabeth Cherneff))
((INTRO)) [[East of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, people in the city of Dnipro are on the doorstep of a possible Russian invasion. Most of the residents are native Russian speakers and identify with Russian culture. Ricardo Marquina traveled to the city to report for VOA on what the tensions have meant for them. Elizabeth Cherneff narrates his story. ]]
Dnipro is the last major Ukrainian city before the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which in 2014 and 2015 were the scene of a separatist uprising promoted and supported by Russia.
From this city, where most speak Russian, came many of the combatants who fought against the separatist forces. Many of them view the current crisis with concern.
((RADIO VERSION: Those who spoke with us chose not to give their surnames. Mikhail is a veteran of the war that broke out in 2014.))
((Mikhail, War Veteran – MALE IN RUSSIAN – VOA ORIGINAL))
“Obviously, we are worried. We have already been through this. I fought until 2016. I am a sniper. I know what war is. We will survive.”
The trauma of a war that has left thousands of victims now threatens to repeat itself…
…but here there is a calm – albeit a tense one – with many hoping that the threat from Moscow will not become a reality.
Still, the city prepares for the worst, overhauling its old Soviet-era bunkers, which, ironically, were meant to protect citizens from a NATO attack.
((RADIO VERSION: Vitali Kerdruk is in charge of the city’s emergency response system.))
((Vitali Kerdruk, Emergency Response Official ((MAN IN RUSSIAN - ORIGINAL VOA))
“This shelter is always ready. Periodically we check the pipes, electricity, water, everything necessary to receive people when necessary.”
Yet the city continues its normal rhythms, despite the threats of a new war. The artists at the city’s opera and ballet theater have not stopped their work for a single day, despite the anguish of having war - yet again - at their doorstep.
((Tatiana Galnik, Dnipro Opera Singer ((WOMAN IN RUSSIAN - ORIGINAL VOA))
“It is very hard. There are many Ukrainians who have relatives and friends in Russia, but the situation has developed like this. We have got used to this pain, and we live with it.”
The tension generated by the months-long Russian troop buildup on the Ukrainian border has now passed into a moment of waiting, and with uncertainty as a backdrop, life goes on.
((For Ricardo Marquina in Dnipro, Ukraine, Elizabeth Cherneff, VOA News))
NewsML Media TopicsPolitics
Topic TagsUkraine
Embargo DateFebruary 4, 2022 15:07 EST
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English