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((PLAYBOOK SLUG: US Military – Russia - Ukraine (TV)
HEADLINE: US Sending 3,000 troops to Romania, Poland and Germany
TEASER: Move a response to a request by allies worried about potential Russian invasion of Ukraine
PUBLISHED AT: Wednesday, 02/02/2022 at 7pm
BYLINE: Carla Babb
DATELINE: Pentagon
VIDEOGRAPHER: Mike Burke, Adam Greembaum, Carla Babb
VIDEO EDITOR: Rob Raffaele
VIDEO SOURCE (S): VOA, (file/Russian Def Min?)
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV __ RADIO __
TRT: 1:48
[[The United States is now moving forces into eastern Europe as Russia continues its build-up of troops near Ukraine. The Pentagon says the American troop movements are in response to requests from allies concerned about a potential Russian invasion. VOA Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb has the latest.]]
((Mandatory Courtesy: Department of Defense ))
Three thousand U.S. soldiers are now deploying to Romania, Poland and Germany in response to Russia’s continuing build-up of troops along Ukraine’s borders.
((nat pop)) ((end mandatory courtesy))
The majority, from the 82nd Airborne division, will deploy from Fort Bragg in North Carolina to Poland. About 300 troops from the 18th Airborne Corps, also based at Fort Bragg, will go to Germany.
One thousand soldiers already in Europe will move from Germany to Romania.
((John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary))
“I want to be very clear about something. These are not permanent moves, they are moves designed to respond to the current security environment."
((Mandatory Courtesy: Department of Defense))
More than 8,000 troops remain on high alert, and Kirby warned additional deployments could come soon.
((John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary))
“There could be other movements inside Europe, intra-theater moves that we would speak to, we're not ruling that out. We're also not ruling out the possibility that additional forces from the United States could deploy to Europe.”
((Mandatory Courtesy: Department of Defense))
The U.S. has provided at least a half-dozen shipments of military aid to Ukraine since December.
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((nat pop, “ya’ll ready to go” ))
And a small number of U.S. troops are in Ukraine as part of an ongoing training program that began after Russia illegally annexed Crimea in 2014.
Kirby told VOA in an interview Tuesday U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will travel to Brussels later this month to meet with NATO defense ministers.
((Mandatory Courtesy: Russian Defense Ministry))
Russia reportedly has about 130,000 troops along the borders of Ukraine.
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((Carla Babb, VOA News))
“You’ve been talking a lot about the escalation that Russian has been doing. Have they shown any signs of deescalating at this point?”
((John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary))
“No, they have not.”
((Mandatory Courtesy: Russian Defense Ministry))
Russia has denied the troop build-up along Ukraine’s border is a preparation for invasion and says its troops in Belarus are participating in joint military exercises.
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((CARLA BABB, VOA News, The Pentagon))
NewsML Media TopicsConflict, War and Peace
Embargo DateFebruary 2, 2022 18:58 EST
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English