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HEADLINE: Swedish-Kenyan Group Introduces Electric Buses in Kenya
TEASER: Opibus plans to launch the African-designed bus commercially in Kenya in a few months and bring it to markets across Africa by 2023.
PUBLISHED AT: 01/31/2022 at 8:15am
BYLINE: Juma Majanga
PRODUCER: Henry Hernandez
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV X RADIO __
TRT: 3:00
[[Swedish-Kenyan group Opibus has introduced the first African designed and manufactured electric bus in Kenya with the aim of cleaning-up polluting public transportation. Opibus, Kenya's first company to make electric motorcycles, plans to launch the bus commercially in a few months and bring it to markets across Africa by 2023. Juma Majanga reports from Nairobi.]]
As other vehicles jostle for space while belching clouds of dark smoke in the streets of Nairobi, Benjamin Maina is driving a unique bus; one that is fully electric.
((Benjamin Maina, Electric Bus Driver (English, 24 secs))
“I feel privileged driving this vehicle. It is also very amazing when you are driving this vehicle compared to the fossil fuel vehicles, considering there is a lot of vibration on fossil fuel vehicles and also a lot of noise. But with this vehicle, it’s quite silent and very sleek.”
Public transport in Kenya and across the African continent is largely run informally with no emission standards in place, making the vehicles highly pollutive.
((Jane Akumu, U.N. Environmental Program ((English, 25 secs))
“If you look at the cities, the heavy-duty vehicles which are buses and trucks, that’s the bulk of the pollution. So, they are a big contributor to pollution. But as I said, they are also an opportunity. Because how do we shift to cleaner modes? Because we need mass transport to be sustainable, to make cities more sustainable.”
The introduction of electric buses into the African market by Opibus is aimed at remedying the situation.
((Albin Wilson, Opibus Strategy and Marketing Chief ((English, 29 secs ))
“This electric bus is really (an) important first step in the transition from fossil fuel vehicles to electric clean mobility. And I think we are really showing precedence being the first movers in this market with a bus that is even locally developed.
((Christopher Maina, Bus Passenger ((English, 15 secs))
“This ride today is one of its own having ridden on an electric vehicle. It's just cool, no noises like the combustion engines, there are no smells like the combustion engines. So, it's just cool and awesome to be in this vehicle.”
Africa’s electric cars market, currently in its infancy, presents a huge opportunity for investment and the creation of green jobs, say experts.
((Jane Akumu, UN EP ((English, 34 secs))
“When you look at our source of electricity, it is renewable. For example, in Ethiopia it is almost 100% renewable energy: hydro and such. If you look at Kenya it is over 90%. So, we have energy. We don’t have to import fossil fuel; petro, diesel and all that. So, we have the energy here, then this is also very good opportunity for jobs, green jobs.”
As pollution and climate emissions from transportation rises, the urgency to transition to sustainable mobility grows – providing benefits for those who make the switch like bus driver, Benjamin Maina.
((Juma Majanga, for VOA News, Nairobi))
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Location (dateline)Nairobi
BylineJuma Majanga
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English