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Transcript/ScriptBIDEN - US - Infrastructure (TV)
HEADLINE: US Bridge in Pittsburgh Collapses on Day of Biden’s Infrastructure Visit
TEASER: American Society of Civil Engineers says 42% of US bridges are at least 50 years old, 7.5% in poor condition
PUBLISHED AT: 1/28/2022 at 755p
BYLINE: Patsy Widakuswara
DATELINE: Washington
SCRIPT EDITORS: Holly Franko, Jepsen
VIDEO SOURCE (S): AP, AFP, Reuters, Skype
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _x_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:00
EDITOR NOTES: Radio track included. There is an accompanying web))
((INTRO: ))
[[A bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, collapsed early Friday morning, just hours ahead of President Joe Biden’s visit to the U.S. city to underscore the need to improve the nation's crumbling infrastructure. White House Bureau Chief Patsy Widakuswara has this report. ]]
Immediately upon landing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden visited the Fern Hollow bridge that collapsed Friday morning, injuring at least 10 people.
((President Joe Biden))
“We're going to fix them all. Not a joke. This is going to be a gigantic change.”
The bridge collapsed just hours ahead of Biden’s planned visit
to the city’s Carnegie Mellon University research center, to underscore the need to improve the nation's crumbling infrastructure, address supply chain shortages and revitalize manufacturing.
((President Joe Biden))
“The United States of America used to be ranked number one in the world of investing in the future, now we ranked number nine in research and development. China was number eight three decades ago, today it's number two.”
Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure law passed in November with bipartisan support. $550 billion is allocated to federal infrastructure investments, which analysts say is much needed.
((Radio track: Andy Winkler is Bipartisan Policy Center’s director for housing and infrastructure projects))
((Andy Winkler, Bipartisan Policy Center)) ((mandatory courtesy: Skype))
“We have had some really tragic infrastructure failures across the country, whether it's bridges, like what happened today, or water systems. And I think it shows the global community that how far we've fallen behind.”
Just 41% of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing, according to the latest Pew Research poll, due to the ongoing pandemic and rising inflation.
Consumer prices have increased, driven by the global supply chain crisis caused by unpredictable demand and pandemic worker shortages.
The administration has provided $230 million to improve port infrastructure and incentives to recruit more truck drivers.
((Radio track: Panos Kouvelis is a professor of supply chain at Washington University in St. Louis))
((Panos Kouvelis, Washington University in St. Louis)) ((mandatory courtesy: Skype))
“Hopefully, we'll increase the efficiency of the port and the roads and better our trains and so on. But those things are not going to help in the next six months.”
In Pittsburgh, Biden also pushed for
his Build Back Better bill on child care, other social spending and climate change, which is currently stalled in the Senate.
Patsy Widakuswara, VOA News, Washington.
NewsML Media TopicsEconomy, Business and Finance
Topic TagsInfrastructure
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English