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Transcript/Script((PKG)) BIKE SHOP
((TRT: 02:08))
((Topic Banner: The Joy of Cycling))
((Reporter: Mike O’Sullivan))
((Producer/Editor: Elizabeth Lee))
((Camera: Roy Kim))
((Drone Camera: M. Howard))
((Map: Los Angeles, California))
((Main character: 1 female))
I’m going to do like some solar power.))
((Kellie Hart
Bike Store Owner))
Before the pandemic I was a single mom,
((Courtesy: Kellie Hart))
a new mom. I was also doing like Uber driving and Postmates [delivery], just little odds and ends, just jobs, just to keep myself afloat.
((Kellie Hart
Bike Store Owner))
Once the pandemic hit, I couldn't work out anymore. So we wanted to pull our bikes out. I pulled mine out. It was a little rusty just because I'd had a kid and I just hadn't ridden for a long time. But I pulled it out, got it repaired and started riding and I fell in love all over again.
Lights on. Lights on.))
((Kellie Hart
Bike Store Owner))
And then my friends wanted to come and I'm like “Come on, let's go, let's go!” And more people came, more people came. And then I looked up and I had 100 people behind me on a Tuesday night. In the beginning right around the time we started riding, I noticed that a lot of people who wanted to come ride with us didn't have bikes. They wanted to, you know, they wanted to know, “How do I get a bike? How do I get a bike?” And so I found a place that had bikes and I took my savings and I bought three of them. And I posted on my social media that I had bikes for sale and they sold immediately.
((Kellie Hart
Bike Store Owner))
And the whole time I knew I needed to shop. I just wanted to purchase the best one and I wanted it to be the perfect shop.
Two years later, here we are back with the bike shop, with a thriving bike shop and back at this lot where I wanted to open a carwash two years ago. So it's just kind of come full circle and I'm forever grateful.
((Kellie Hart
Bike Store Owner))
Cycling has always been a great sport but through the pandemic, it has picked up. People have realized what a great sport or activity it is. The appeal is the freedom, the exercise, the fun, all at one time.
Overland to Venice.))
((Kellie Hart
Bike Store Owner))
When I'm on my bike, I forget I'm exercising. When I'm with 100 of my friends following me on a regular ride, I forget I'm exercising. And it's just fun and we're on a bike. Everyone pretty much knows how to do it. And, you know, it's just one thing we have in common that will bring us all together.
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Topic TagsVOA News, voa weekly, voa connect
Program NameVOA Connect
Expiration DateFebruary 20, 2022 15:28 EST
Embargo DateJanuary 21, 2022 15:46 EST
BylineFaiza Elmasry, June Soh
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English