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Transcript/ScriptT24 1126 – Pete Hegseth to Pentagon (TV)
HEADLINE: Trump’s defense pick ‘unusual,’ hints at major military changes
PUBLISHED: 11/26/2024 at 10:00 am
BYLINE: Carla Babb
DATELINE: Pentagon
VIDEO SOURCE (S): ((feeds, Library))
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:54
[[President-elect Donald Trump made a largely unexpected pick to run the world’s largest military, nominating Fox News television host and army veteran Pete Hegseth to be defense secretary. VOA Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb has more.]]
((NARRATION)) ((Mandatory Courtesy: Pete Hegseth))((for VIDEO: Army photos))
Pete Hegseth is a decorated Army National Guard veteran who served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.
((https://app.frame.io/player/d0b61eb0-1b95-4f90-9ff0-713b9c88d0a8 10 secs into this))
But the former weekend host of the TV show “Fox and Friends,” has no previous experience in government or in running a large organization.
((Radio: Retired Rear Adm. Mark Montgomery is with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.))
((Ret. Rear Adm. Mark Montgomery, Foundation for Defense of Democracies)))
((29-30 // 1:12-20))
((Microsoft Teams, no courtesy required))
“I think this is an extremely unusual pick. // (now show) This is not a starter job. And you would expect someone coming in this job to have a significant amount of managerial experience.”
((Mandatory Courtesy: US Department of Defense))
Hegseth raised his profile by hinting at several changes to the Defense Department, opposing the Pentagon’s diversity, equity and inclusion programs, which he has called “woke.”
((Pete Hegseth, US Defense Secretary Nominee))
((Mandatory Courtesy: YouTube / @FoxNation)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oLEylIiIB8
“There is no black, white or brown in our ranks. We’re all green and we all bleed red. Our strength is not in our diversity, but in our unity, and in our love for our nation, our families and most of all, each other.”
((NARRATION)) ((https://app.frame.io/player/d0b61eb0-1b95-4f90-9ff0-713b9c88d0a8 0:24-3nd of bite))))
((Mandatory Courtesy: YouTube / @ShawnRyanShow))
Hegseth has also suggested removing women from combat positions.
((Pete Hegseth, US Defense Secretary Nominee))
“I’m straight up just saying, we should not have women in combat roles. It hasn’t made us more effective; hasn’t made us more lethal; has made fighting more complicated.”
((NARRATION)) ((https://www.voanews.com/a/3108445.html 1:15-1:36 and if need more here: https://www.dvidshub.net/image/1061847/lt-gen-tryon-speaks-with-female-itb-students ))
((Mandatory Courtesy: US Department of Defense)) ((for VIDEO:
Marine Corps researchers compared all-male and gender-integrated combat units from 2014 to 2015. They found the all-male units were faster and stronger. But the gender-integrated groups had better problem-solving skills. Morale remained the same.
((End Courtesy))
((VOA Footage 2015))
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had this message to the women now serving in combat positions after completing the same grueling tasks as men:
((Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defense))
“I think our women add significant value to the United States military.”//((cover broll)) “We need you, we have faith in you, we are appreciative of your service, and you add value to the finest and most lethal fighting force on Earth.”
((NARRATION)) https://app.frame.io/player/8b59e917-0599-440e-831b-df8deb880dbf of trump, then Hegseth at CPAC )
Trump has praised his Havard and Princeton-educated pick as “tough, smart and a true believer in America.” ((https://x.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1859608989455061003/photo/1 police report))
((Mandatory Courtesy: X / @RPsAgainstTrump))
After Hegseth’s nomination, reports surfaced of a sexual assault allegation from 2017.
((backtime bite- APTN Video ID: 4535199))
Hegseth paid the accuser at the time – he says to avoid publicity. He also says the encounter was consensual.
((Pete Hegseth, US Defense Secretary Nominee))
“The matter was fully investigated, and I was completely cleared, and that’s where I’m going to leave it.”
((BRoll of Senate in session, then shot of Joni Ernst at 3:15 Reuters USN: VA843105062024RP1))
A Senate majority must confirm Hegseth’s nomination. While Republicans currently hold the majority by three seats, analysts say that doesn’t guarantee confirmation, with his stance against women in combat that many in Congress see as outdated.
((Ret. Rear Admiral Mark Montgomery, Foundation for Defense of Democracies)))
((Microsoft Teams, no courtesy required))
“As I look at the senators, you know, you have Senator Joni Ernst there, herself, a female combat veteran. I'm sure she'll have some interesting questions for him about his opinions on that. So, from my perspective, that's going to be a very challenging issue.”
((NARRATION)) ((show jim mattis, then mark esper with trump))
President-elect Trump had rocky relationships with defense secretaries in his first administration. One of them, former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, has called Trump “unfit for office.”
((shot of Hegseth and trump))
Officials say Hegseth’s loyalty to Trump is strong.
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Subtitles / Dubbing AvailableNo
Embargo DateNovember 26, 2024 13:53 EST
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English