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Transcript/ScriptCONNECT: Soup Kitchen (TV)
HEADLINE: Feeding the Underprivileged with Passion
TEASER: Soup kitchen founder dedicated herself to providing warm meals to anyone in need
PUBLISHED AT: 05/08/2023
DATELINE: Ashburn, Virginia
PRODUCER: June Soh, Zdenko Novacki
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
TRT: 3:02
((Eds: This is a self-narrated feature.))
((Devina Mahapatra is the founder of Dulles South Soup Kitchen in Loudoun County, Virginia. Her mission is to provide nutritious hot meals, free of charge, to anyone in need in her community. VOA's June Soh explores Devina's inspiring journey to make a difference.))
((Devina Mahapatra, Founder, Dulles South Soup Kitchen)) My name is Devina Mahapatra. I am the founder of the Dulles South Soup Kitchen. When we moved to this area, we were looking for a soup kitchen to volunteer at. I have always been a volunteer in a soup kitchen. I like to feed people. But after looking a lot, I did not find a soup kitchen in Loudoun County. And so, after talking to a few people, I decided that, you know, I'm just going to have to start one. And that's how the Dulles South Soup kitchen was started in November of 2020 at the height of the COVID pandemic. We are located in Loudoun County in northern Virginia, about 30 miles from Washington, D.C.
((Devina Mahapatra, Founder, Dulles South Soup Kitchen)) I believe that no one should ever go to bed hungry. You know, we have to have equitable food available to everybody. That was one of the reasons I started this soup kitchen.
((Devina Mahapatra, Founder, Dulles South Soup Kitchen)) So, this chicken has been marinated overnight. That's how we get the flavors to be really good. This is chicken that comes to us. We purchased some of the chicken and we get some chicken donated.
((Devina Mahapatra, Founder, Dulles South Soup Kitchen)) I moved to the United States when I was 21. I was brought up in India for the most part of my life, early life. And I remember, very early, my grandmother telling me that no matter what you do, if you're giving something to another person in need, you should give it with dignity and you should give it with respect.
((Soup Kitchen Customer)) No, not enough income. I work, and I'm here with my sister. And we, we just get by. We try and, and my nieces and nephew, we, we try to take care. Because of the soup kitchen, we have, we have dinner tonight.
((NATS: Anisha, Soup Kitchen Customer, Devina)) Thank you. Thank you so much for this. Thank you. You got it? Alright. Thank you so much for helping today. Bye. Bye.
((Devina Mahapatra, Founder, Dulles South Soup Kitchen)) Five years from now, I expect to be distributing at multiple sites, so that access to this food gets very easy. I also want to start a culinary school, so that I'm able to make sure that people find a way to make an income.
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Location (dateline)
Ashburn, Virginia
Embargo DateMay 8, 2023 17:47 EDT
BylineDATELINE: Ashburn, Virginia
June Soh, Zdenko Novacki
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English