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Transcript/Script((PLAYBOOK SLUG: LogOn Water Preservation Tech (TV/R)
HEADLINE: LogOn Robot Detects Leaks, Saves Water
TEASER: Mechanical caterpillar patrols city water pipes
BYLINE: Julie Taboh
DATELINE: Washington, DC
PRODUCER: Julie Taboh, Miguel Amaya
SCRIPT EDITORS: Stearns, Young
VIDEO SOURCE (S): Acwa Robotics, France 3 Corse, AP
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO _X_
TRT: 01:56
[[This year’s World Water Day (March 22) is about accelerating change to solve water and sanitation crises. With much of the world grappling with a shortage of clean drinking water, a French company has developed an autonomous robot that’s helping to better maintain and preserve existing water supplies. VOA’s Julie Taboh has more in this week’s LogOn.]]
((NARRATOR)) ((Courtesy: ACWA Robotics))
This robot may one day transform the way we think about water preservation.
When placed inside a water pipe, it easily moves through the system…
…without disrupting water flow, ((Courtesy: France 3 Corse)) to collect
and transmit key data about the condition of the pipes.
((Radio track: Jean-françois ((Jahn)) (you don’t pronounce the “n” in Jean, or the “s” in Francois) Guiderdoni (ghee-dair-doh-nee) is one of the co-founders of the French firm ACWA ((like Aqua)) Robotics. He spoke with VOA via Skype.))
((Jean-françois Guiderdoni, ACWA Robotics Co-founder)) ((SKYPE))
“We are able to capture a very large set of data in a single mission and really give an exhaustive view of the condition of the asset.”
((Courtesy: ACWA Robotics))
The robot, called the Clean Water Pathfinder, is equipped with a high-resolution camera and ultrasonic sensors which allow it to pinpoint the exact location of the pipe and detect corrosion, micro cracks and general wear and tear.
It was created by a French startup…
to help water utility companies identify where and when to repair or replace pipes, reducing leaks and costs.
((Jean-françois Guiderdoni, ACWA Robotics Co-founder)) ((SKYPE))
“We've got an estimated 40 million kilometers of water distribution network throughout the world and renewing just a single kilometer costs between 150,000 to 800,000 thousand euros per kilometer. // So that information we're bringing them is extremely precious.”
((NATS – woman pouring water into bucket))
Optimizing existing water networks is especially important now, as global demand for this precious natural resource continues to rise.
A recent U.N. report predicts that demand for water will exceed supply by 40 percent in 2030.
((Radio track: Kimberly Schonek ((Shah-nik)) is the Water Program Director for The Nature Conservancy in Arizona. She spoke with VOA via Skype))
((Kimberly Schonek, The Nature Conservancy Arizona Water Program)) ((SKYPE))
“And so that kind of technology is really important in reducing loss in the system, and making sure that water companies aren't pumping and delivering water that's not going to customers and then is lost to the system."
((NARRATOR)) ((Courtesy: ACWA Robotics))
Once it goes through its pilot phase in France, the company plans to distribute the Pathfinder to other areas of the world.
((Julie Taboh, VOA News))
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