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HEADLINE: Analysts: US Shifting Sahel Conflict Strategy to One of Containment
TEASER: US Special Operations Africa chief hints at a greater focus on Ghana for
security efforts
PUBLISHED: 03/20/2023 at 7:24 pm
BYLINE: Henry Wilkins
VIDEO EDITOR: Henry Wilkins
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO_X_
TRT: 2:51
[[U.S. forces are training West African troops to counter the growing terror threat
spreading from the Sahel region. Meanwhile, security experts say Burkina Faso and
Mali have essentially fallen to terrorist groups, meaning the U.S. and security partners
are now looking at containing the Sahel conflict rather than stopping it entirely. Henry
Wilkins reports from Sogakope, Ghana.]]
Troops from Morocco and Ghana get ready for an over-the-beach raid as part of
Flintlock, the annual U.S.-led military exercise in West Africa, which this year took place
in Ivory Coast and Ghana.
A soldier from the Ghanaian Special Boat Service, who declined to be named for
security reasons, described the exercises.
((Soldier, Ghanaian Special Boat Sevice (in English, 22 secs))
“It's been two weeks of intensive training, and some of the areas included mission
planning; vessel boarding, seize and search; tactical site exploitation. We did sensitive
site exploitation.”
One of the U.S. officers running the exercise hinted that Ghana has a big role to play in
security efforts, as a long-running conflict with groups linked to al-Qaida and Islamic
State militants spreads to the north of coastal West African countries.
[[For radio: Rear Admiral Milton Sands is in charge of United States Special Operations
Command Africa]]
((Rear Adm. Milton Sands, Special Operations Command Africa Commander ((in
English, 26 secs)))
“We are, of course, concerned about the terror threat coming from the north, and
Flintlock is absolutely about pulling our partners together to help protect against that
threat. I think from the international community, we’re really focused on Ghana. Ghana
is a center of stability and real capability in coastal West Africa.”
Analysts say U.S. security efforts are shifting focus from landlocked countries to the
north, like Burkina Faso and Mali, to coastal West Africa.
The Burkina Faso and Mali governments have struggled to halt attacks and military
advances by militant groups, leading to instability in both countries.
Asked whether the conflict against terror groups in Burkina Faso has essentially already
been lost, one expert replied...
[[For radio: Remove above line in favor of: Michael Shurkin is director of global
programs at 14 North Strategies, an Africa-focused consultancy. Asked if the conflict
against terror groups in Burkina Faso has essentially already been lost, he replied...
((Michael Shurkin, 14 North Strategies Director of Global Programs (in English, 15
secs))) ((Zoom))
“I think to a large extent we can say that. I mean, there is still a government in Mali and
there is still a government in Burkina Faso, and they still control some areas, but I think
the reality is that large portions of the populations in these countries are no longer under
government control.”
Aneliese Bernard of Strategic Stabilization Advisors is a former adviser for the U.S.
Department of State’s Bureau for Conflict and Stabilization Operations in Niger. She told
VOA that the U.S. appears to be increasingly looking to contain the terror threat from
the Sahel instead of trying to prevent it.
((Aneliese Bernard, Strategic Stabilization Advisors (in English, 21 secs))) ((Zoom))
“I do think that a version of containment is going to start to take place at a more
aggressive level, wherein we start to fortify the northern borders of the coastal West
African states that I mentioned, ensure that all the other coastal West African states
remain as strong as possible, but keep our key alliance in Niger.”
Analysts say that the U.S. is paying more attention to the Sahel conflict as great powers
like Russia and China begin to show more interest and influence in the region.
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited the Sahel last week to pledge support, while
Vice President Kamala Harris is due to visit Ghana later this month.
((Henry Wilkins, for VOA News, Sogakope, Ghana))
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Location (dateline)
Embargo DateMarch 20, 2023 20:20 EDT
((Henry Wilkins, for VOA News, Sogakope, Ghana))
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English