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HEADLINE: Former US President Donald Trump Tells Supporters He’ll Be Arrested
TEASER: Manhattan district attorney could indict Trump over 2016 Stormy Daniels payment
PUBLISHED AT: 03/20/2023 at 8:46 pm
SCRIPT EDITORS: newhouse, Reifenrath
TRT: 2:17
((TV INTRO: ))
[[Former U.S. President Donald Trump said Saturday he expected to be arrested by the Manhattan district attorney as soon as Tuesday on charges stemming from an investigation into a $130,000 payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016. Laurel Bowman reports on reaction among U.S. political leaders.]]
((VIDEO – various shots of Trump from Trump Investigation Sat PKG 2
TrumpInvestigationSatPKG2.mxf - Frame.io or video of Trump from AFP Profile 32342N6 (1) SHORT PROFILE US TRUMP FILE VIDI32342N6.mxf - Frame.io ))
For years, Manhattan prosecutors have been investigating a payment from former President Donald Trump to a porn star, and on Saturday, Trump wrote on social media that he expects to be arrested as early as Tuesday. He called on his supporters to protest.
((VIDEO – shot of Manhattan DA in Trump Investigation Sat PKG 2
TrumpInvestigationSatPKG2.mxf - Frame.io), shots of Stormy Daniels also in this pkg))
According to the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, Trump allegedly paid adult film star Stormy Daniels $130,000 before the 2016 election to keep quiet about an affair. The payment could violate campaign finance laws.
One of his attorneys said Trump had the $130,000 check written to protect his family.
((Trump Investigation Sat PKG 2
TrumpInvestigationSatPKG2.mxf - Frame.io))
((Joe Tacopina, Trump Attorney))
1:40 “He made this with personal funds to prevent something coming out false but embarrassing to himself, his family and his young son.”
Trump has announced he is running for president in the 2024 election even if he is indicted, and the possibility of his arrest drew broad reaction.
[[Radio: Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren...]]
((ThisWeekSenWarren.mxf - Frame.io ))
((Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Democrat))
5:08 “No one is above the law, not even the former president of the United States. And if there has been an investigation, and that investigation should be allowed to go forward appropriately. If it’s time to bring indictments, then they will bring indictments. That’s how our legal system works.”
((VIDEO – still of Pence from ABC pkg TrumpInvestigationMonPKG2.mxf - Frame.io or video from here (1) PenceinIowa.mxf - Frame.io ))
Trump’s former vice president, Mike Pence, defended him.
((TrumpInvestigationMonPKG2.mxf - Frame.io ))
((Mike Pence, Former Vice President))
1:28 “Another politically charged prosecution directed at the former president of the United States.”
Meantime, Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called for calm, saying people should not protest if Trump is indicted.
((TrumpInvestigationMonPKG.mxf - Frame.io ))
((Rep. Kevin McCarthy, House Speaker))
“I don’t think people should protest this, no.”
Even some Trump supporters told reporters they do not think people should protest.
((8580WD USA TRUMPREAX WASHINGTON.mxf - Frame.io Reuters 8580 ))
((Sulaiman Al Tamimi, Trump Supporter))
“He (Trump) should be careful when he uses the term ‘protest.’ We don’t need another like the Capitol attack. Even though I am his supporter, I think this term should be used wisely because it could bring some chaos.”
((Video: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2023%3Anewsml_WD871820032023RP1&share=true ))
((Reuters 8718))
The Manhattan district attorney has not said whether his office is planning to arrest the former president. But on Monday afternoon, police in New York began setting up security barriers in case of crowds.
((Laurel Bowman, VOA News, Washington))
Location (dateline)Washington
Embargo DateMarch 20, 2023 20:47 EDT
BylineLaurel Bowman
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America, Voice of America - English