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Transcript/ScriptTV Somalia Drought – Zubeyr
HEADLINE: Millions Internally Displaced Due to Severe Drought in Somalia
TEASER: The UN says an all time high of 3.8 million people are displaced in Somalia
BYLINE: Abdulkadir Zubeyr
WRITER(S): Abdulaziz Osman, Salem Solomon
VIDEO SOURCE (S): VOA original, Reuters
TRT: 2:41
[[As the Horn of Africa enters its sixth failed rainy season, the number of internally
displaced people in Somalia has reached an all time high with millions forced to leave
their homes. Abdulkadir Zubeyr visited a camp for the displaced in Dolow, Somalia, and
has this story narrated by Salem Solomon.]]
Sheltering from the scorching sun under a tree with her three children, Maryan Ali Aden
is waiting to be given a temporary place to stay.
Aden was forced to leave her home in Wajid district of Somalia’s Bakool region.
((Maryan Ali Aden, Internally Displaced)) ((Female, in Somali))
“The problem that brought us here is that we lost our farms and livestock to the severe
drought. Their [the children’s] father used to bring us some food, but it wasn’t available
anymore and after we lost everything, we had to flee.”
Aid agencies such as the U.N.’s International Organization for Migration, or IOM, say
the town of Dolow, near the Somalia-Ethiopia border where Aden arrived, is seeing an
influx of people fleeing the multi-year drought that began in 2020.
This is Ladan camp for the internally displaced, home to more than 180,000 people.
IOM says it has added three displacement camps to house more people.
Hassan Mohamed Gabow is with the International Organization for Migration.
((Hassan Mohamed Gabow, Camp Coordination and Management)) ((Male, in Somali))
“As you can see, 15 families have arrived in these three new camps in two days, and
the number of people arriving is increasing every day. We ask donors, the government,
and businesses to reach out and assist these people as soon as possible; otherwise,
the situation will worsen.”
The IOM has also built a camp for the displaced in Barwaqo. A mother of seven,
Faduma Ali Adow, lost one of her children on the perilous journey to the camp.
((Faduma Ali Adow, Internally Displaced)) ((Female, in Somali)) ((Reuters))
“I fled from my home after the drought hit our farm and we lost all our animals. We
walked for seven days and I lost one of my kids on the way here. The only animal we
brought here was a donkey then we sold it to buy food for my children. They have given
me this house I live in now.”
IOM’s deputy general of operations, Ugochi Daniels, visited a camp in Baidoa and says
the impact of the drought is widespread.
((Ugochi Daniels, Deputy Director General for Operations)) ((Female, in English))
“Baidoa has received the most internally displaced people in Somalia but all of Somalia
is also affected by conflict as well as by climate change.”
The U.N. says the number of displaced people in Somalia has reached 3.8 million
people this year.
While humanitarian assistance is reaching some parts of Somalia, aid groups say
immediate and sustained intervention at a large scale is required to prevent further
displacement and loss of life.
((For Abdulkadir Zubeyr in Dolow,
Somalia, Salem Solomon, VOA News)
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Location (dateline)
Embargo DateMarch 20, 2023 17:49 EDT
BylineFor Abdulkadir Zubeyr in Dolow, Somalia,
Salem Solomon, VOA News
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English