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Transcript/Script((PLAYBOOK SLUG: Blinken-Ethiopia
HEADLINE: Blinken Praises Ethiopia for Tigray Peace
TEASER: Secretary of State Antony Blinken praised the Ethiopian government and rebel Tigrayan leaders for the cease-fire agreement last November, which is holding
PUBLISHED: 03/15/2023 at
BYLINE: Cindy Saine
SCRIPT EDITORS: Mia Bush, Sharon Shahid, DJones balance,
VIDEO SOURCE (S): Saine Skype and Zoom interviews, MRT, AP, Reuters, AFP
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _x_ RADIO __
[[U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has met with top Ethiopian leaders in an effort to repair damaged ties after the brutal two-year civil war against forces in the northern Tigray region left an estimated 500,000 people dead. Deepening the peace and promoting a transitional justice policy, which would seek accountability for atrocities committed by all sides in the conflict, are high on the agenda. VOA's senior diplomatic correspondent Cindy Saine reports.]]
((Video: AP Video ID: 442468 “Ethiopia Blinken” March 15th: Blinken and the Ethiopian FM walking and chatting, sitting down together, ladies serving traditional Ethiopian coffee, Blinken tasting his coffee))
“It is good coffee!
A traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony provided a good start to Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s meetings with top government and Tigrayan leaders in Addis Ababa with all sides eager to repair ties strained by two years of a grueling civil war.
((Video: MRT from today: 13;48;23;07 MRT BLINKEN entrance BROLL
41 seconds))
Blinken took a moment to reflect on the lives lost and the pain many endured.
((Video: MRT from today: Blinken SOT: 13;52;35;24 MRT BLINKEN ending of the conflict in Tigray))
((Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State))
“The conflict was absolutely devastating. Hundreds of thousands killed. Widespread sexual violence against women. Millions were forced to flee their homes. Many left in need of food, shelter, medicine. Hospitals, schools and businesses shelled, destroyed. The Cessation of Hostilities Agreement is a major achievement and [a] step forward, saving lives, changing lives. The guns are silent. As the fighting is stopped, human rights violations have declined.”
Blinken said African leadership, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Tigrayan leaders all deserve credit for the cessation of hostilities reached in November, supported by the United States. And he brought some good news, pointing out that the U.S. is the biggest bilateral donor of aid to Ethiopia.
((Video: AP Video ID 4424416: Blinken SOT 2))
((Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State))
“And today, I announced an additional $331 million in emergency food and humanitarian assistance that will reach billions of people, millions of Ethiopians affected by conflict, affected by drought.”
One expert told VOA that normalizing bilateral ties after the brutal civil war will be a process and not a switch, but the United States is in a unique position to help.
((Video: Joseph Siegle SOT: https://app.frame.io/player/3b232c21-8a18-4fc1-bcf6-e8d003da4819 TC: 00:8:08 - 00:08:37))
[[Radio Intro: Joseph Siegle is director of research at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, National Defense University. He spoke to VOA via Skype.]]
((Joseph Siegle, Africa Center for Strategic Studies)) Skype Courtesy
“I think that's where the United States has a very critical role to play as a trusted actor, as a guarantor. It can ensure that Tigrayan interests are being considered as both sides move forward. It can ensure that Ethiopian sovereignty and Ethiopian interests are also being respected.”
((Video: B-roll of Prime Minister ABIY: AFP V000_339J2M6 SLUG RAW - ETHIOPIA - AFRICANUNION - SUMMIT - POLITICS - DIPLOMACY - UN Creation date 2/18/2023: African Union B-roll, Soundbite 31 - Ethiopia’s PM Abiy speaking))
Another expert told VOA that Abiy is eager to normalize ties and get back into a U.S. duty-free trade program, but she urged caution.
[[Radio Intro: Sarah Yager is Washington director at Human Rights Watch.]]
((Video: SarahYager SOT: https://app.frame.io/player/203414a8-da11-4ae5-a063-38b876ac08c5 TC: 00:03:01 - 00:04:06))
((Sarah Yager, Human Rights Watch)) ((Zoom Courtesy)
“And so, what he has been doing is downplaying the atrocities that have occurred by all warring parties, but also his own, by his own direction in places like Tigray. And so, he is looking to get economic relief from the United States. He is looking to get other partners around the world interested in being donor nations, in having free trade and bringing businesses back to Ethiopia.”
((Video: AFP V000_336V68D
Creation date 1/11/2023: 1. Pan left parked tanks reportedly handed over by the TPLF
2. Mid shot parked tanks reportedly handed over by the TPLF
3. Pan right other armored vehicles and tanks reportedly handed over by the TPLF
4. Low angle shot two tanks reportedly handed over by the TPLF
5. Close-up heavy weapons reportedly handed over by the TPLF
6. Mid shot heavy weapons reportedly handed over by the TPLF))
Blinken said that with peace taking hold, Ethiopia is moving in the right direction, and the U.S. shares its aspirations, but is not ready to welcome it back into the U.S. trade program right now.
((Cindy Saine, VOA News))
Embargo DateMarch 15, 2023 20:41 EDT
BylineCindy Saine
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America, Voice of America - English