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February 19, 2023
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Transcript/ScriptWASHINGTON WEEK AHEAD Feb 19))
HEADLINE: Blinken: China May Consider Providing Lethal Assistance to Russia
TEASER: Amid rising tensions, U.S. underscores importance of direct diplomacy with China
PUBLISHED AT: 2/19/23 at 340p
BYLINE: Veronica Balderas Iglesias
DATELINE: Washington
VIDEO EDITOR: Marcus Harton
VIDEO SOURCE (S): News shows, Agencies, Skype, see script for others
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:38
((UPDATE: Radio Tracks for Reversioning Included))
[[The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed concern Sunday that China may be contemplating sending lethal assistance to support Russia’s war in Ukraine. Those comments were made before the top U.S. diplomat landed in Turkey, where he toured the damage caused by the recent earthquakes. As VOA’s Veronica Balderas Iglesias reports, U.S.-China tensions have increased after the U.S. shot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon earlier this month.]]
During a meeting on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, the U.S.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken made it clear to...
...Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that the recent Chinese balloon that flew over the U.S. was unacceptable and cannot be repeated. China didn’t offer an apology.
Chinese state-run media reported that Beijing requested the U.S. to quote “change course” and fix the damage done to the bilateral relationship.
Another matter of concern was raised by Blinken during the high-level encounter.
((courtesy: ABC’s “This Week”))
((Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State))
“China has been engaged in providing rhetorical, political, diplomatic support to Russia, but we have information that gives us concern that they are considering providing lethal support to Russia in the war against Ukraine. And it was important for me to share very clearly with Wang Yi that this would be a serious problem.”
As the anniversary of the Russian war on Ukraine approaches, Blinken also spoke on ABC about the Ukrainian requests to have fighter jets and long-range missiles.
((mandatory courtesy: ABC’s “This Week”))
((Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State))
“What we should not do, any of us... is to focus or get fixated on any particular weapons system. / You have to make sure that Ukrainians are trained on the systems that are being provided.”
But to defeat Russian President Vladimir Putin a series of actions should be taken quickly, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham argued on ABC’s “This Week.”
((mandatory courtesy: ABC’s “This Week”))
((Sen. Lindsey Graham, Republican))
“You beat him by giving the Ukrainians the military capability to drive the Russians out of Ukraine. You label Putin’s Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. You create international tribunals.”
On Sunday, Blinken arrived in Turkey where he toured the damage caused by the recent earthquakes. He announced an extra $100 million in U.S. aid to Turkey and Syria. His visit was seen by Brookings Institution analyst, Kemal Kirisci, as an opportunity to ease bilateral tensions.
((Mandatory cg: Skype))
((Kemal Kirisci, Brookings Institution))
“Right before the earthquakes one of the ministers in Turkey was using very disconcerting, discouraging language towards the United States in particular. // I think this reengagement may offer opportunities for some room for cooperation to emerge.”
Blinken’s ongoing European trip will also include a stop in Greece where he is expected to discuss defense cooperation and launch the U.S.-Greece Strategic Dialogue on February 21.
((Veronica Balderas Iglesias, VOA News, Washington.))
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