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Transcript/ScriptNicaraguan Bishop prison - Hernandez
HEAD: Pope Francis prays for Bishop Rolando Alvarez, lamenting 26-year prison sentence in Nicaragua
PUBLISHED AT: 02/16/2023 at 11:55
BYLINE: Donaldo Hernandez
CONTRIBUTOR: Donaldo Hernandez
DATELINE: Costa Rica
VIDEOGRAPHER: Donaldo Hernandez
PLATFORMS: (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:28
[[More than two hundred political prisoners from Nicaragua were freed in a surprise move by that country’s government on February 9, but dozens more remain incarcerated, including a Catholic bishop. Donaldo Hernandez has more in the report narrated by Veronica Villafane.]]
While Nicaraguans living in the U.S. are celebrating the long-awaited release of 222 political prisoners, many worry about those still detained by Daniel Ortega’s government.
Among them, Bishop Rolando Álvarez, a vocal critic of President Ortega’s Sandinista regime, who refused to be expelled to the United States.
((Ricardo Baltodano, Fmr. Nicaraguan Political Prisoner)) ((in Spanish))
"Monsignor Alvarez remains as the most important symbol of the dignity of all these prisoners because he chose to stay with three priests who accompanied him."
After refusing to leave Nicaragua, the bishop was convicted of treason, undermining national integrity and spreading false news. He was sentenced to more than 26 years in prison.
((Courtesy: CANAL 4))
((Octavio Rothschuh. Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice)) ((in Spanish))
"Rolando José Álvarez Lagos is declared to have lost his Nicaraguan nationality.”
The bishop was previously under house arrest, but when he rejected expulsion from the country, President Daniel Ortega changed the terms of his confinement.
((Courtesy; CANAL 6))
((Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua)) ((in Spanish))
"He is now in the Modelo prison. He is an ordinary man. The habit does not make the monk. What we see here is arrogant behavior. He is unhinged."
The Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress is calling for the release of the bishop and other Nicaraguans detained for political reasons.
((Claudia Vargas, Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress)) ((in Spanish))
"We will continue to ask for the release of these 38 political prisoners, Monsignor Rolando Alvarez is among them as well, who is also one of the most important and influential people in Nicaragua."
((Courtesy: YouTube Vatican News))
Pope Francis also expressed his concern for Bishop Álvarez during recent prayers at the Vatican.
((No Chyron needed on Pope))
"…I cannot but remember with concern the Bishop of Matagalpa, Monsignor Rolando Alvarez, whom I love so much, sentenced to 26 years in prison and also the people who have been deported to the United States. I pray for them and for all those who suffer in that beloved nation.”
((Courtesy: CANAL 6))
Meanwhile, Ortega, who has called the Catholic Church a perfect dictatorship, says he will continue the crackdown on political dissidents.
((Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua))
“We do not want to leave any trace of the empire’s mercenaries in our country."
((For Donaldo Hernández, in Costa Rica, Veronica Villafañe, VOA News))
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Location (dateline)
Costa Rica
Embargo DateFebruary 16, 2023 17:20 EST
Byline((For Donaldo Hernández, in Costa Rica,
Veronica Villafañe, VOA News))
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English