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Transcript/ScriptUS Russia Ukraine Feb 14
HEADLINE: US: Ukraine Preparing a Spring Offensive Against Russia
TEASER: US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the US and its allies are doing everything they can to provide the arms, ammunition and equipment Ukraine needs for a spring counter-offensive against Russia
PUBLISHED AT: 2/14/23, 6:28 pm
BYLINE: Cindy Saine
SCRIPT EDITORS: Bowman, Aru Pande
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _x_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:29
((INTRO: ))
[[U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says he expects Ukraine to conduct an offensive against Russia in the spring, and that the 54 members of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group are focused on providing Kyiv with the ammunition, fuel and spare parts they will need. VOA’s Senior Diplomatic Correspondent Cindy Saine reports.]]
Members of the U.S.-led Ukraine Contact Group met in Brussels Tuesday, with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin making clear that Ukraine is not alone in its fight against Russia’s invasion. Asked where things stand, Austin had this to say.
((Lloyd Austin, US Defense Secretary ))
“What Ukraine wants to do in the first possible moment is to establish or create momentum and establish conditions on the battlefield that continue to be in its favor. And so, we expect to see them conduct an offensive sometime in the spring.”
Austin said the 54 countries represented in the group will do everything they can to keep the ammunition and arms Kyiv needs flowing, as Russia ramps up its attacks.
The Russian Defense Ministry released these images Monday, saying they show artillery and air-defense units operating in Ukraine. The U.S. defense secretary said Russia is sending large numbers of new troops into Ukraine, but many are ill-equipped and ill-trained.
Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley noted Russia continues to push forward in Ukraine’s Donbas region.
((Mark Milley, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman))
“They are attacking the Donbas right now. Their progress is slow, it's a war of attrition, they’re taking heavy casualties. Their leadership and morale is not great. And they're struggling mightily. However, they do have numbers.”
A Russian army spokesman said Monday that what he called "volunteer assault units,” with the support of missile and artillery forces, have captured a village just north of Bakhmut. Ukraine has conceded the situation is “difficult” around the embattled eastern city.
Ukraine has asked for Western fighter jets to defend itself, but Austin said he had nothing to announce on that. He added the U.S. has not prevented Poland or any other country from providing its own aircraft, noting the decision would be up to each individual nation.
Cindy Saine, VOA News
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Embargo DateFebruary 14, 2023 20:34 EST
Cindy Saine, VOA News
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English