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((PLAYBOOK SLUG: TV Togo “Ghetto” Project - Assignon
HEADLINE: New Training Project in Togo Designed to Give Impoverished Residents Hope
PUBLISHED AT: 02/02/2023
BYLINE: Amen Assignon
DATELINE: Lomé, Togo
VIDEOGRAPHER: Steven Midjola
VIDEO EDITOR: Amen Elodie Assignon
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _x_ RADIO __
TRT: 1:53
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[[In 2021, a pilot program called the “Ghetto Project” was started in Togo’s capital of Lome to help impoverished young people. The goal is for young residents to get out of poor urban areas, find work and stay away from drugs. Amen Assignon looks at how the project is going. Narrated by Michele Joseph]]
Julien and some of his friends are in a slum in Togo’s capital city of Lome, trying to meet and educate the young people who live here.
Julien has lived in this impoverished area - called Commune Gulf One - for over a year. But he has stayed away from the drugs that he says are rampant here. Others haven’t been so lucky.
((Adanyaha Julien Koami, Commune 1 Resident)) ((Male, in French))
“I didn't have any support or job and I ended up here, so I smoke.”
A few months ago, Julien took advantage of a pilot program to help young people in poor urban areas.
In this center, Julien and others received training to help them find a job.
((Djamessi Koffi Amenyon, Trainer)) ((Male, in French))
“We teach them crafts, particularly macramé and the weaving of picot beds, nylon bags, everything that can be woven by hand, with threads. It's not just crafts, we also provide them with psychological support.”
Over the past six months, the program has helped train around 20 young people and taught residents about the harmful effects of drugs.
((Koami Gomado, Mayor of Commune Gulf 1)) ((Male, in French))
“The results are conclusive since the twenty people we have mobilized are still following the training and ready to move out of here.”
((Adanyaha Julien Koami, Commune Gulf 1 Resident)) ((Male, in French))
“The project helped me a lot. It made me have something in hand, if I don't have money. I know that I can work and earn money.”
Officials say so far results of the re-integration project suggest it’s a model that can work here and be replicated in cities around the country.
((For Amen Assignon in Lomé, Togo, Michele Joseph, VOA News
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Embargo DateFebruary 3, 2023 15:13 EST
BylineAmen Assignon
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English