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((TITLE: TV Press Freedom Ukraine Disinformation Elves – Kovalenko
HEAD: Lithuanian ‘Elves’ Fight Russian Disinformation About War in Ukraine
TEASER: Anonymous network of activists across Baltic states battle Russian propaganda trolls
PUBLISHED: 01/xx/2023
BYLINE: Oleksii Kovalenko
DATELINE: Washington
CAMERA: Oleksii Osyka
SCRIPT EDITORS: Kenochs, Reifenrath
((Please return to Anna Rice and copy to HFR when done))
[[Across Lithuania and the other Baltic countries, thousands of activists are fighting Russian disinformation on social media. They called themselves elves — “because elves fight trolls.” Oleksii Kovalenko has the story for VOA.]]
In the epic battle against Russian disinformation, it seems only fitting that the citizens taking on Kremlin-backed trolls call themselves elves.
Thousands of people in Lithuania and the other Baltic states are working to dispel false narratives online, often working anonymously.
The founder of this unique civic movement is Ricardas Savukynas.
((Ricardas Savukynas, Elves Movement Founder)) ((Skype)) ((ENG)) ((25:13-))
“People started calling Russian propaganda trolls… And who fights against Russian propaganda? Of course, elves! So, this name started to be used, "elves.”
The group became especially active after 2014 and the so-called Euromaidan uprising in Ukraine — when protesters demanded the country move closer to the European Union. But to this day, most of the organization members don’t know each other.
((Ricardas Savukynas, Elves Movement Founder)) ((Skype)) ((29:56-))
“If Russia invades Lithuania and captures and tortures me, they will have almost no information, because I don’t know things myself.”
But the ‘elves’ movement isn’t just focused on Ukraine. Viktor Denisenko, a Vilnius University professor and expert on Russian propaganda, says the Kremlin is also trying to affect the Baltic countries’ media landscape.
((Viktor Denisenko, Expert on Russian Propaganda)) ((Skype)) ((ENG))
“From quite a small group of 10 to 20 people, it grew to a movement not just in Lithuania, but today elves also exist in Latvia, Estonia, Finland and other countries. It’s a very interesting example of a grassroots movement of a new generation.”
Lithuanian parliament member Jurgita Sejonienė [a woman, right?] started working with the elves during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The elves identify misinformation or fake accounts they can link to Russian Troll farms.
The elves then band together online and mass report the sites until moderators respond and remove the fake news.
A medical professional by training, Sejonienė started countering COVID-related propaganda — mostly around vaccinations. But after Russia invaded Ukraine, her focus changed.
She commonly takes on false narratives:
((Jurgita Sejonienė, Lithuanian Parliament Member)) ((Skype)) ((06:09-)) ((ENG))
“…Nazism in Ukraine, that Russia is freeing Ukraine and all those issues and topics, and also human rights.”
Savukynas says Russian disinformation in Lithuania ramped up in the second half of 2021 and was probably linked to Russia’s preparations to invade Ukraine. He says that today he finds fewer and fewer so-called Vatniks, people who believe the Kremlin’s disinformation.
((Ricardas Savukynas, Elves Movement Founder)) ((Skype)) ((36:40-)) ((ENG))
“Paradoxically, lots of people, even from those vatnik groups, who were quite brainwashed, started to talk against Kremlin, against Putin, against Russia, because you can be brainwashed, but when you see real things like mass killings, rapes, torturing of children, like in Bucha, you understand that Russia propaganda is lies.”
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its second year, experts estimate as many as 22,000 activists are part of the elves movement.
((Oleksii Kovalenko, for VOA News, Washington))
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