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Guardia Costera de EEUU mantiene tolerancia cero con la migración irregular
February 2, 2023
Content TypePackage
LanguageEspañol (Spanish)
World RegionLatin America
Video StandardNTSC
NewsML Media TopicsPolitics, Human Interest, Crime, Law and Justice
Topic Tagsmigración, EEUU, USA, US, rafters, Cuba, inmigración
Expiration DateMarch 2, 2099 09:25 EST
English TitleUnited States Coast Guard has no tolerance to ilegal migration
Embargo DateFebruary 2, 2023 09:23 EST
Description EnglishUnited States Coast Guard has intensified their daily operations in search of illegal aliens in the Caribbean and Atlantic oceans . More than 5300 cuban rafters have been detained since October 1st, 2022.