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HEADLINE: Poll: Biden and Trump Handled Classified Documents “Inappropriately”
TEASER: As FBI finds more classified documents at Biden’s home, Americans demand answers.
BYLINE: Veronica Balderas Iglesias
VIDEO EDITOR: Marcus Harton
VIDEO SOURCE (S): Agencies, see script for others
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:26
UPDATE: Radio Tracks for Reversioning Included
[[A new poll indicates 64 percent of Americans believe U.S. President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents is “inappropriate.” The results of the ABC/Ipsos poll were released as even more classified documents were found at Biden’s residence. VOA’s Veronica Balderas Iglesias has the details. ]]
((VIDEO: Ad hoc Biden’s home in Wilmington Delaware and images of Biden))
((Mandatory cg:))
A series of notes and six additional documents with classified markings; that’s what the FBI found after Friday’s search of President Joe Biden’s home in Delaware with the U.S. leader’s consent.
((VIDEO: ABC This Week))
Some papers date back to the time when Biden served as a senator. It could be a filing mistake, Democrat Senator Chris Coons, told ABC’s This Week.
((( Mandatory cq: ABC This WEEK))
((Sen. Chris Coons, Democrat))
“As the matters that you're handling are more important, and occasionally more classified, the volume gets higher. So, I do think that was inadvertent. // I also don’t think this is an issue that’s keeping Americans up at night.”
((VIDEO: Screenshot of poll and images of Americans and Donald Trump https://abcnews.go.com/US/poll-americans-biden-trump-inappropriately-handled-classified-documents/story?id=96584674))
A new ABC/NEWS Ipsos poll, conducted before the latest FBI search was revealed, shows that 64% of Americans feel that President Biden acted inappropriately in handling classified documents. 77% of the public polled though, consider former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified materials he retained at his Florida home after leaving office even more serious.
Both leaders are currently being investigated by special counsels appointed by the Department of Justice.
((VIDEO: AP ID 4415693 US CA BIDEN DOCUMENTS Ad-hoc b-roll and Soundbite#5))
A day before the FBI search, President Biden reiterated he’s fully cooperating with the concerned authorities.
((Biden ACT))
“I think you’re going to find there’s nothing there. I’m following what the lawyers have told me they want me to do.”
((VIDEO: ABC This Week))
Republican Representative Michael McCaul told ABC the extent of the potential political fallout will depend on several factors.
((Mandatory cq: ABC This WEEk))
((Rep. Michael McCaul, Republican))
“Watergate started as a very small burglary. It did lead to the President of the United States resigning. So, I don’t know what’s there until we see the documents, if there are national security documents related to foreign nation adversaries.”
((VIDEO: Twitter/ NBC Meet the Press https://twitter.com/MeetThePress/status/1617163147155996672?cxt=HHwWgICwoY7UqPEsAAAA))
((Mandatory cg: Twitter/NBC “Meet the Press”))
Why both the current and the former president had classified documents in their possession rather than housed at the National Archives, is a question for the independent prosecutors to dig into. Here’s what Democrat Senator Joe Manchin told NBC’s Meet the Press.
((Mandatory cg: Twitter/NBC “Meet the Press”))
((Sen. Joe Manchin, Democrat))
“Did you intend to harm somebody; did you intend to basically do an irresponsible thing? I don’t think hopefully neither one of them did, right, but they’d sure turned out to be irresponsible.”
He emphasized that the American people want accountability, and that there should have been better checks and balances.
((Veronica Balderas Iglesias, VOA News Washington.))
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