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Transcript/ScriptWorld Cup Qatar Tickets
High Prices and Scalping Sour Ticket Buying at World Cup
PUBLISHED AT: 12/06/2022 AT 10AM
BYLINE: Iacopo Luzi
VIDEOGRAPHER: Iacopo Luzi, Nelson Vignolles
PLATFORMS: (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
SCRIPT EDITORS: Kenochs; Bowman
TRT: 2:40
[[Some fans who traveled to Qatar to watch their nation’s team compete in the World Cup say they are having trouble getting tickets at the venue. This is forcing many to pay exorbitant prices to watch matches. Iacopo Luzi reports from Doha, Qatar. ]]
“No tickets available now…”
Hard-core football fans are in Qatar to experience the World Cup firsthand – and cheer on their country’s team. But many say they are having trouble getting reasonably priced tickets.
((Matias Morosina, Argentina Fan)) ((Spanish))
“For the Argentina - Poland match, they were asking $800, for a ticket FIFA valued at $70 dollars."
That’s the price a scalper quoted Matias Morosina, who wanted to see his country’s team play. He’s not alone. Many football fans say they have been unable to buy tickets on FIFA’s official website, even when they’re available.
VOA reporters witnessed the problem firsthand: failing, after numerous attempts, to purchase available tickets that were supposedly available.
This has forced some fans to go to resale portals. The only authorized ones are on FIFA’s own site, but there are others like Ticombo and Stub Hub International, where
fans can find tickets but at a much higher cost. Depending on the match, they could be paying up to $1,000 dollars - 6 or 7 times more than the original ticket price.
Some are also buying from scalpers, people who buy tickets then resell them at higher prices, outside the stadiums. But not only are those more expensive, sometimes those tickets are fake.
((Andrés Vidal, Colombia Fan)) ((Spanish))
"I am an enemy of scalpers and resales. An absolute enemy. Buying from scalpers is exactly what fuels scalping."
FIFA’s website only says that last-minute sales of World Cup tickets are processed in real time and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
While fans say it’s frustrating, many admit they are willing to pay far more than the official price to be able to support their teams.
((Nargez Salahi, Morocco Fan))
“Definitely. No matter what it takes we will just pay and just go to support our team and the Arab world.
And high prices won’t stop this group of female fans we spoke to after Morocco’s win over Canada.
((Get Nawi Amina, Morocco Fan))
“Morocco pay for Morocco. We are very happy to assist in this match.”
Even those who manage to buy tickets at official prices will be paying 40% more than four years ago at World Cup Russia, according to a Keller Sports study. The report says these World Cup games in Qatar are the most expensive ever.
Iacopo Luzi, VOA News, Doha, Qatar.
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Embargo DateDecember 6, 2022 17:17 EST
Iacopo Luzi, VOA News, Doha, Qatar.
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English