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Transcript/ScriptWhite House Holiday Decor
HEADLINE: It’s Decorative White House Season, Americans
TEASER: White House decorates for year-end holidays with theme ‘We the People’
PUBLISHED AT: 12/01/2022 at 1:30pm
BYLINE: Anita Powell
DATELINE: The White House
SCRIPT EDITORS: Mia Bush, Jepsen
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:35
EDITOR NOTES: New this year is a Menorah, but there are no images of the thing! Otherwise, yes, I’d have mentioned it in the story))
((INTRO ))
[[The White House is bright with holiday cheer, an annual tradition meant to delight and remind Americans of the importance of the end-of-year holidays. This year’s theme is “We the People,” a nod to the most powerful force in America: the American people. VOA’s Anita Powell reports from the White House.]]
((NATS, countdown to tree lighting)
Christmas at the White House is always lit,
but the seasonal decor also has deeper meaning, as shown by this year's theme: We the People.
Those are the first three words of the U.S. Constitution, which every U.S. president vows to uphold.
These simple words encapsulate an American ideal:
that the world's wealthiest and most powerful government derives its strength not from its leaders, but from an empowered citizenry.
((Radio: First lady Jill Biden))
((Jill Biden, US First Lady))
"The soul of our nation is and has always been 'We the People.' And that is (applause), yes, and that is what has inspired this year's White House holiday decorations. The
values that unite us can be found all around you; a belief in possibility and optimism and unity. Room by room, we represent what brings us together during the holidays and throughout the year."
That’s a lot, for a nation of 330 million people, 50 states, some 400 spoken languages, and all of the world’s major religions.
((President Joe Biden))
“Welcome to the White House, and Eid Mubarak."
((Kamala Harris, US Vice President))
“Happy Diwali, everyone!”
((Jill Biden, US First Lady))
“Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. God bless you.”
((Nats, music))
Here's how the White House tackled it, through decor.
With festive music, with lifelike tributes to the beloved White House pets, with a 140-kilogram White House replica, made mostly of sugar
And with lots ...and lots ...and lots of lights. 83,615 of them, the White House says and 77 Christmas trees.
Will all the people like it? Of course not.
[[NOTE: The line below will be in the Web version only. It can be used on English TV as well. It includes Twitters shots in English only.]]
Here are some hot takes on social media:
((Graphic with Twitter shots in English))
[[End graphic to be used for Web and English TV]]
But that maybe underscores the American people's mightiest superpower: not only can anyone freely say what they think – but every four years, they can decide who gets to live – and decorate – here.
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Location (dateline)
The White House
Embargo DateDecember 1, 2022 16:08 EST
((Anita Powell, VOA News, The White House))
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English