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HEADLINE: Zimbabwe Scores Another First Against HIV In Africa
PUBLISHED: 11/30/2022 at 9:20 pm
BYLINE: Columbus Mavhunga
DATELINE: Harare, Zimbabwe
VIDEOGRAPHER: Blessing Chigwenhembe
VIDEO SOURCE (S): VOA Original, WhatsApp, Nyaradzo Mgodi
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO _X_
TRT: 3:02
EDITOR NOTES: Radio accompanying this version))
((INTRO)) [[In October, Zimbabwe became to first African country to approve the use of the injectable HIV prevention drug called cabotegravir [kabah-teh-graveer]. As Columbus Mavhunga reports from Harare, Zimbabwe, many are eager for the drug to become available.
((pronunciation example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmJ2ZKSA8Qc]]
((VIDEO-VOA: tight shot of an of an injection, close up of a person getting injected, wide shot of nurses, close up of nurses registration book, close up of a person getting injected))
A 32-year-old Zimbabwean woman, who requested not to be identified, says she received an injection of the HIV prevention drug called cabotegravir [kabah-teh-graveer] while she was working in the U.S.
She had been taking HIV prevention pills daily for seven years. But after she received the shot in April, and now that Zimbabwe has approved it, she is hoping to take the injection every two months.
((Zimbabwean User of Cabotegravir ((English: 28 seconds))
“I prefer the injection to the pill because the injection is convenient; you only get a shot after every two months, unlike the pill you have to take it every day at the same time and there is a risk of defaulting because there are a lot of things that happen during the day in life. Actually, you might go to a funeral and forget your pills at home. With this injection you only get a shot after every two months and it’s only six shots per year, which is better compared to tablets.”
((VIDEO-VOA: Close up of lab technician, tight on microscope dial, wide on lab technician))
Zimbabwe is the first African country to approve the use of cabotegravir, or CAB-LA. The U.S. approved the drug in December 2021 and Australia in 2022.
(Sources: https://www.who.int/news/item/21-12-2021-fda-approved-cabotegravir-extended-release https://www.who.int/news/item/01-11-2022-zimbabwe-first-country-in-africa-announced-regulatory-approval-for-long-acting-injectable-cabotegravir-for-hiv-prevention#:~:text=Until%20now%2C%20CAB%2DLA%20has,approved%20it%20in%20August%202022.)
Zimbabwe introduced a 3 percent AIDS levy in 1999 to help fund the country’s response to HIV and AIDS. Individuals pay 3 percent income tax, and employers and trusts pay 3 percent on profits for the effort. ((source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26781215/))
The World Health Organization has commended Zimbabwe for approving cabotegravir, saying it would pave the way to providing more safe and effective options for HIV prevention.
The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe, or MCAZ, says for now cabotegravir is only allowed for HIV prevention.
((Farai Masekela, Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe ((English: 21 seconds))
“There are going to be other preparations containing cabotegravir, which may be submitted at a later time by the applicants or manufacturers of the product, which will be used for treatment. But the current one, which was approved, is meant only for prevention of HIV, not for treatment.”
((VIDEO-VOA: wide shot of ARV drugs being sorted, close up of ARV drugs being sorted, tight on ARV drugs))
Dr. Nyaradzo Mgodi of the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Trials Research Center headed trials in nine African countries. She says the drug is very effective and is calling for Zimbabwe to roll out cabotegravir as soon as possible.
((Dr. Nyaradzo Mgodi, University of Zimbabwe)) ((English: 28 seconds))
“Because as African women, we continue getting HIV at alarming rates and one infection is one too many. When we have something that works, we should make it available to the person or persons who need it.”
((VIDEO-VOA: Wide shot on HIV poster, close on HIV poster, close up on free HIV testing billboard, wide on free HIV testing billboard))
Supporters say access to drug will also help Zimbabweans stop relying as much on other countries for drugs to treat HIV/AIDS.
Columbus Mavhunga, for VOA News, Harare, Zimbabwe
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Location (dateline)Harare, Zimbab
Embargo DateNovember 30, 2022 19:28 EST
BylineColumbus Mavhunga, for VOA News,
Harare, Zimbabwe
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English