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HEADLINE: Democrats' four-year majority in US House Ends as Republicans Take Power
TEASER: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi steps aside for new Democratic leadership
PUBLISHED: 11/17/2022
BYLINE: Katherine Gypson
PRODUCERS: Katherine Gypson
DATELINE: Washington, DC
SCRIPT EDITORS: AP, Reifenrath, DJ (ok)
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
((PRODUCTION: Broll is in In-Progress-Katherine Gypson-US Midterms Expectations))
[[Republicans won the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives this week and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she will not seek a leadership position in the new Democratic minority – two of the many changes coming to the new Congress in January. VOA’s Congressional Correspondent Katherine Gypson has more.))
((AP US House New Class-Broll of new members posing on Capitol steps then over to AP US House Democrats-broll of Democratic leadership team))
Major changes ahead in the U.S. Congress … as new lawmakers are introduced on Capitol Hill. For the first time in four years, Democrats no longer hold the majority in the House of Representatives.
((House Speaker Nancy Pelosi)) ((Clip to come))
“With great confidence in our caucus, I will not seek re-election to Democratic leadership in the next Congress.”
((More broll of Dems in AP US House Democrats then to wide shots at beginning of AP US House Republicans))
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will step aside for younger Democrats to take their turn leading in the minority.
Congressman Kevin McCarthy is the Republican nominee to become the new speaker.
((AP US House Republicans-SOT 1))
((Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Republican))
“I'm proud to announce the era of one-party Democrat rule in Washington is over. Washington now has a check and balance.”
((More broll of McCarthy and Trump in AP US House Election 2022))
But McCarthy will find it hard to unite his own members behind major legislation as he faces significant opposition from the wing of the party still loyal to former President Donald Trump.
((AU Briefing at 37:15))
((Amy Dacey, American University)) ((Zoom))
“They have to figure out how to have consensus within their own caucus before they even reach across the aisle. So, I think it's going to be a challenging time for a very thin majority in the House.”
((Broll of new members going in an out of orientation in AP US House New Members))
New members of Congress say the narrow majorities should force the two parties to work together on bipartisan legislation.
((AP US House New Members-SOT 4))
((Rep.-Elect Wiley Nickel, Democrat))
“Folks are tired of the extremists on the far left and the far right, and they want people willing to work across the aisle to do what's right."
((AP US House New Members-SOT 5))
((Rep.-Elect Michael Lawler, Republican))
“There's a lot of area of agreement if people are willing to sit down and work towards it.”
((Broll of Capitol Dome, Senate floor and Schumer walking to mics in AP US Schumer Election))
And any legislation will have to pass a Democratic-majority U.S. Senate, under the continued leadership of Chuck Schumer.
((AP US Schumer Election-SOT 2))
((Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader))
“I have a plea for the Republicans and advice — if you embrace MAGA, you're going to keep losing. You're going to lose more. The embrace of MAGA in 2018, 2020 and '22 didn't work. We welcome you to work with us on a bipartisan basis.”
((Broll of GOP at mics in AP US Senate Republicans))
Despite a challenge, Mitch McConnell held on to the Senate leadership position among Republicans, while recognizing their failures with voters this election.
((AP US Senate Republicans-SOT 3))
((Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader))
“Their impression of many of the people in our party in leadership roles is that they're involved in chaos, negativity, excessive attacks. And it frightened independent and moderate Republican voters.”
((Broll of Biden and Capitol Dome))
But with a divided government for the next two years, the chances of President Joe Biden passing any major legislation are very slim.
((Katherine Gypson, VOA News, Washington))
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Embargo DateNovember 17, 2022 17:21 EST
BylineKatherine Gypson
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English