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Transcript/Script((PLAYBOOK SLUG: TV G20 Summit Bali Tourism - Salim
HEADLINE: G20 Summit brings new life to Bali’s recovery after the pandemic
TEASER: With hotels now at half or full capacity, islanders hope the tourism industry's momentum will continue to thrive after dignitaries have gone
PUBLISHED AT: 11/17/2022 at 8:15am
BYLINE: Ahadian Utama
VIDEOGRAPHER: Ahadian Utama, Nurhadi Sucahyo
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:19
[The location of this year’s G20 Summit was Bali, Indonesia, a resort island dubbed the Island of the Gods, and a longtime destination for sun and sand worshippers. COVID was hard on this tourist site, but things may be looking up. VOA’s Ahadian Utama explains.]]
Bebun, who like many Indonesians goes only by one name, is a taxi driver. It’s been a tough couple of years for him, but he sees positive signs.
((Bebun, Taxi Driver)) (male, in Indonesian)
“With the G-20 Summit, there seems to be more people”
Historically, over 6 million people visit Bali every year. But that number crashed during COVID. In 2021, reportedly just 45 overseas tourists visited Bali.
But even after the island’s Ngurah Rai Airport reopened to international flights in February, the number of foreign visitors arriving has not been anywhere near their pre-pandemic levels.
The G-20 summit, held at the resort area of Nusa Dua, has sparked hope things may be turning around.
((Susi Letari Halawa, Bali Sunshine Inn)) (female, in Indonesian)
“For the past week, there has been quite an increase. We’d been at half occupancy. Now we’re at full occupancy”
Most other hotels and villas in the resort area of Nusa Dua with a maximum occupancy of 21 thousand guests sold out, according to the Bali chapter of the Indonesian Tourism Industry Association.
While officials say hotel occupancy across the rest of the island has risen to an average of 50 percent.
((Sandiaga Uno, Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy)) (male, in Indonesian)
“Tourist destinations in Bali are ready. And so are those beyond Bali. There’s
Mandalika Circuit, Borobudur Temple, and five other main destinations."
The Indonesian government wants to draw between 1.8 and 3.6 million foreign visitors before the end of the year.
And as of September, a total of 2.4 million international travelers had visited Indonesia, according to the Ministry for Tourism and Creative Economy. But one expert from Warmadewa University in the provincial capital, Denpasar, says it will take time for travel and tourism to recover fully.
((I Made Suniastha Amerta, Warmadewa University))(male, in Indonesian)
“It can’t happen instantly, right after the G20 Summit in Bali. It won’t happen that quickly. But we hope with time and going forward, this provides a momentum and at least a new start”
Bali’s economy depends most on foreign tourism in the Indonesian archipelago. Tour operators here hope the G-20 will herald the island’s comeback as a prime tourist destination.
From Bali, Indonesia, Ahadian Utama, VOA News
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Location (dateline)Bali
BylineAhadian Utama
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English