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Transcript/ScriptTurkey Bombing Syria - Omar
HEADLINE: Civilians Flee As Turkey Intensifies Shelling Near Northeast Syria Town
TEASER: Residents worry that the attacks are a prelude to a Turkish military offensive
PUBLISHED AT: 7/28/2022 AT 1 PM
BYLINE: Zana Omar
DATELINE: Tal Tamr, Syria
SCRIPT EDITORS: KE; Reifenrath, DJ (ok)
VIDEO SOURCE (S): VOA original
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _X_ RADIO __
TRT: 1:30
[[The Turkish military has increased its bombardment of Kurdish forces near the town of Tal Tamr in northeast Syria, forcing hundreds of villagers to flee their homes. VOA’s Zana Omar has more, in a story narrated by Sirwan Kajjo.]]
Over the past few days, Turkey’s military has intensified its attacks near a Kurdish-held town in northeast Syria, targeting a number of villages near the Syria-Turkey border.
Residents are worried that the aggression is a prelude to a Turkish military offensive into the region targeting U.S.-backed Kurdish troops that Ankara has branded as terrorists.
The bombardment has forced hundreds of villagers to flee their homes and seek safety in the nearby town of Tal Tamr.
((Um Omar – Displaced Person)) [Female in Arabic]
“We don’t know where to go. We are confused and we don’t have any place.”
Many fleeing civilians say they were forced to leave all their possessions behind.
((Abu Ghassan – Displaced Person)) [Male in Arabic]
“We used to own many properties and agricultural lands. Now, we are eight people living in one room.”
The Syrian conflict is more than a decade old, and the civilians caught in the middle of the fighting say all they want is to see the fighting finally stop.
((Um Mahmoud, Displaced Person)) [Female in Arabic]
“I want all the countries involved in Syria to seek a solution so that people like us can return safely to their homes. They must feel what we are going through.”
There are currently 16 official and unofficial camps for displaced persons in northeast Syria, according to local officials.
They say a new Turkish military operation would create yet another displacement crisis in the region.
Zana Omar in northeast Syria, Sirwan Kajjo,
VOA News
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Location (dateline)Tal Tamr, Syria
Embargo DateJuly 28, 2022 16:50 EDT
BylineZana Omar in northeast Syria, Sirwan Kajjo,
VOA News
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English