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HEADLINE: Russia Seeks Allies in Africa Amid War-Caused Food Crisis
TEASER: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov attempts to shape the narrative as grain shortage leaves many countries on the continent hungry
PUBLISHED AT: 7/27/22 at 6:08p
BYLINE: Cindy Saine
CONTRIBUTOR: Tatiana Vorozhko
VIDEO SOURCE (S): original Skype interviews by Vorozhko and Saine, AP, AFP, Reuters
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _x_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:55
[[Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is on a major tour of Africa, seeking allies amid global anger and isolation over food shortages following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. VOA’s Senior Diplomatic Correspondent Cindy Saine reports.]]
Resuming shipments of Ukrainian and Russian grain has been the number one topic at each stop of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Africa tour this week, like this one in the Republic of Congo town of Oyo.
((FOR RADIO: Jean-Claude Gakosso is the Republic of Congo’s foreign minister.))
((Jean-Claude Gakosso, Republic of Congo Foreign Minister (French with English VO))) "We are pleased to welcome Sergey Lavrov, who comes with good news, including this agreement that was signed in Turkey, sponsored by the United Nations and Turkey, which should revive the marketing of Ukrainian wheat across the Black Sea and through the Bosphorus Strait.”
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24th and its blockade of Ukraine’s ports has massively disrupted grain shipments, trapping millions of tons of grain and causing global commodity prices to soar. The United Nations says an additional 47 million people are now facing “acute hunger”— with countries in Africa especially hard hit.
Lavrov began his African tour in Egypt on Sunday, reassuring his hosts that their orders for Russian grain deliveries will be met, and blaming Western sanctions on Russia for the shortages.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Russia’s bombing of Odesa on Saturday puts the Istanbul grain deal brokered by the U.N. last week in jeopardy. And Zelenskyy said Moscow always finds a way to renege on its promises.
Lavrov said the Odesa strike would not impact grain deliveries.
An expert tells VOA that Lavrov aims to shape the narrative on the food crisis during his visit to Egypt, Republic of Congo, Uganda and Ethiopia.
[[Radio Intro: Nataliya Bugayova is a Russia research fellow at the Institute for the Study of War.]]
((Nataliya Bugayova, Institute for the Study of War)) ((Skype))
"Russia's blockade of grain in Ukraine's ports and deliberate destruction of Ukrainian agricultural capabilities is at the center of this effort, as Russia is trying to falsely link Ukraine's grain exports with sanctions against Russia, and to falsely frame Ukraine as a party, as a responsible party, in the global food crisis.”
Another expert confirmed that Africa was struck especially hard by the disruption in grain supplies caused by the invasion.
[[Radio Intro: Susan Stigant, the Director of Africa programs at the United States Institute of Peace, via Skype.]]
((Susan Stigant, United States Institute of Peace)) ((Skype))
“Certainly, the region is feeling the impact and the implications of food insecurity. The USAID administrator, Ambassador Samantha Power, was just out in the region and announced one point three dollars billion of assistance." [on July 18]
Stigant told VOA that Africa depends on Russia for about 40 percent of its grain supplies, while about 60 percent of the world’s uncultivated land is in Africa.
Cindy Saine, VOA News
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Embargo DateJuly 27, 2022 18:53 EDT
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English