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((PLAYBOOK SLUG: Biden Quad (TV)
HEADLINE: Biden Ends Asia Trip with Warning Seen As Signal to China
TEASER: During Tuesday’s summit in Japan, Quad leaders vowed to prevent hostile action in Asia like Russian aggression in Ukraine.
PUBLISHED AT: Tuesday, 05/24/2022 at
BYLINE: Patsy Widakuswara
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB __ TV _x_ RADIO __
EDITOR NOTES: Radio track included. There is an accompanying Web.))
[[Ending his six-day trip to Asia, U.S. President Joe Biden used the war in Ukraine to signal a warning to China to uphold fundamental principles of the international order. White House Bureau Chief Patsy Widakuswara has this report from Tokyo.]]
((Various Quad summit AFP V000_32AW8JQ, leaders, AFP V045_32AW8LP, Ukraine, AFP V000_32AN76L))
During the summit of the informal grouping known as the Quad in Tokyo on Tuesday, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and newly elected Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, joined U.S. President Joe Biden in condemning the war in Ukraine.
((AFP V045_32AW8NR))
((President Joe Biden))
"We're navigating a dark hour in our shared history. The Russian brutal and unprovoked war against Ukraine has triggered a humanitarian catastrophe.”
((Xi Jinping watching parade, various parade AFP V000_9DM7C8))
In a message clearly directed at China, the Quad vowed to prevent similar hostile action in Asia.
((AFP V000_32AX2DX00))
((Fumio Kishida, Japanese Prime Minister)) ((Need male VO))
"We also agreed that unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force will never be tolerated anywhere."
((Taiwan holds military drills on island, Rtrs-VA497616032022RP1, Biden with leaders, AP 4381142))
A day after he said he would use force to defend Taiwan should China invade, Biden said U.S. policy of strategic ambiguity on the nation is unchanged.
((AP 4381142))
((President Joe Biden))
"The policy has not changed at all. I stated that when I made my statement yesterday."
((Taiwan holds military drills on island, Rtrs-VA497616032022RP1, Spratly islands, AFP V000_977442))
While many fear China’s invasion of Taiwan, Chinese militarization is most acutely felt in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, where Beijing has built and militarized artificial islands.
((Various Chinese military parade AFP V000_VID790114_EN))
China has dramatically increased its military spending and now has the world’s second largest defense budget after the United States.
((Radio track: Sam Roggeveen, director of the Lowy Institute’s International Security Program via Skype))
((https://app.frame.io/player/a748710d-5283-4e34-9842-f1485d73ccaf TC 4:38))
((Sam Roggeveen, Lowy Institute))
“In terms of capability is still very far below the United States but it is catching up pretty quickly at least in the Asia Pacific, if not in the entire world.”
((Various tuna behind net, AFP V000_VID308811_EN, Various Chinese fishing boat, Chinese flag, Reuters USN: VAD8ZCXMV, Chinese fishing boats in the port off the coast of Guinea))
Quad leaders also unveiled a maritime initiative aimed at reducing illegal fishing. China is the worst offender, according to the 2021 IUU Fishing Index, which maps illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.
((Vietnamese vessel clash, AFP V000_VID1337382_EN))
But China is not the only country in the region engaged in the practice.
((Radio track: Aaron Connelly, a senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies via Skype))
((https://app.frame.io/player/a10ba912-ccab-4622-98ab-95a27adf0585 TC 6:26))
((Aaron Connelly, International Institute for Strategic Studies))
“While this is intended, I think, to highlight Chinese actions in their waters, it may also highlight some of the countries that the United States and the Quad countries are trying to court.”
((Russian Tu-95ms strategic missile carrier, AFP V000_32AY4GT))
As the Quad met Tuesday, Russia said it conducted joint air patrols with China over the waters of Japan and the East China Seas, releasing a video of the aircraft.
Patsy Widakuswara, VOA News, Tokyo.
NewsML Media TopicsArts, Culture, Entertainment and Media
Embargo DateMay 24, 2022 18:17 EDT
Byline: Patsy Widakuswara
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English