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((PLAYBOOK SLUG: Ukraine Davos Zelenskyy
HEADLINE: Ukraine’s President Asks Davos Global Elite to Help Isolate Russia
TEASER: Volodymyr Zelenskyy demands ‘maximum sanctions’ on Russia.
PUBLISHED AT: 5/23/2022 AT 2:05PM
BYLINE: Henry Ridgwell
VIDEOGRAPHER: Henry Ridgwell
PLATFORMS (mark with X): WEB _X_ TV _X_ RADIO __
TRT: 2:51
((INTRO)) [[Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told world leaders and business executives at the World Economic Forum in Davos Monday that they faced a turning point following Russia’s invasion of his country - and said it was time to ratchet up sanctions against Moscow. Henry Ridgwell reports.]]
It is the first time world and business leaders have gathered at Davos since January 2020 – before the coronavirus pandemic.
It is a changed world. Among the first leaders to address delegates by video-link was Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy – dressed not in the uniform of the Davos elite, but the army fatigues of a wartime leader. He demanded ‘maximum sanctions’ on Russia.
((Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukrainian President (in Ukrainian) ))
“An embargo on Russian oil, a complete blockade of all Russian banks, without exception. Total abandonment of the Russian IT sector and complete cessation of trade with the aggressor… Do not wait for fatal shots, do not wait for Russia's use of special weapons, chemical, biological, God forbid, nuclear.”
Ukraine has sent a large delegation to Davos.
((Vitali Klitschko, Mayor Of Kyiv (in English) ))
"Every one of you have to understand: we are defending you, personally. We are fighting for values. I hope the same values, democratic values.”
The Ukrainian delegation has been warmly welcomed. But their demands for a complete embargo on Russian energy and trade are far from being met.
Germany continues to import Russian gas – as does Hungary, which is resisting efforts towards an E.U.-wide embargo on Russian oil imports.
((Robert Habeck, German Economy Minister and Vice Chancellor (in English) ))
“I expect everyone - also Hungary - that they work to find a solution and not saying, ‘Okay, we have an exception and then we will lay back and build on our partnership with Putin.’”
Some business leaders said isolating Russia would take time.
((Sven Smit, McKinsey & Company, Netherlands (in English) ))
“This is a fight we can't fully participate in, but we are trying to do our best, I think. You feel a little helpless, if you stand there and see what the Ukrainians have to do for us, to stand for our values and to stand for our lives.”
Russian delegates haven’t been invited. Instead, the former ‘Russia House’ in Davos has been transformed into what’s been dubbed the ‘Russian War Crimes House’, depicting alleged atrocities carried out by the Kremlin’s forces.
((Bjorn Geldhof, Curator of ‘Russian War Crimes House’ (in English) ))
“The world's most powerful people come together, and to them we also have to show who is suffering and why they are suffering.”
Many of the two-thousand delegates at Davos have voiced strong condemnation of Russia’s invasion – and support for Ukraine. But it remains to be seen whether this Alpine gathering will result in any further economic pressure on Moscow.
((Henry Ridgwell, for VOA News, London.))
NewsML Media TopicsConflict, War and Peace
Embargo DateMay 23, 2022 14:13 EDT
Brand / Language ServiceVoice of America - English